Caveat: Venter

Think about all of the things that make your brain itch. These are mine.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Dazed And Amused

I have been blogging away now for nigh on five months, my topics being less focused than perhaps they could have been, yet somehow the folks over at Inside Higher Ed noticed a recent entry and linked to my blog for their "Around the Web" feature.

I've been told that the folks over there just read a lot of sites in search of two each day that they will link to for that feature. My lottery number came up, I guess. Mind you, if you are reading this any time close to the time of its publication, you are probably one of the many who has arrived recently via that link. Stick around, make a comment, come back from time to time. I promise to return to discussions of academia every now and again.


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