Caveat: Venter

Think about all of the things that make your brain itch. These are mine.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Silly Things That Piss Me Off

OK, it is just one thing, though not clearing the darned timer on the microwave can make it two, assuming you really wanna give me some grief here.

Let me just say that people who use Page Layout View in MS Word piss me off. Actually, I don't so much mind that they use it as that they disseminate it as if somehow it is better to look at text that is shrunken so it can fit within the borders of pretend digital pages.

Learn to use the software, people! Galley View (known now as the more mundane Normal View, the name of which should be a frakin' clue) makes it much easier to read multi-page documents. Oh look! There really ISN'T a 2.5" line breaking through that sentence.

Yes, I am fully capable of comprehending how text flows across page breaks. I just don't understand people who use computers in such a way as they reinforce their ideas of how the physical world works. Ya know, the "page" in the computer is the fake part. Check out a text file sometime, folks. And for god's sake, stop sending things that open in Page Layout View.


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