Caveat: Venter

Think about all of the things that make your brain itch. These are mine.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Jazz, Jambalaya, And Tech

I spent yesterday as a volunteer at Tech Ed 2006. Now, I am a night person, so showing up at the Pasadena Conference Center at 6:15 was hardly an easy task. Add to that the fact that I stuck about until Registration closed at 5:00.

I managed to get a great sense of the venue so I could attend a few sessions today (I am sitting in a session right now, but the introductoory stuff about blogs is not that useful, so I have time). I had not considered, before my first session, the value of a wireless tablet in the classroom. Sadly, I now crave one. Think of being able to send a poem on a projector via your laptop, stap to the back of the class, and make scansion marks on the fly to help students understand the rhythms of the piece. How great must it be for the students to feel as if they are in a minimally-moderated environment? How wonderful must it be to fade into the background and let the content step up?

More coming later...


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