Caveat: Venter

Think about all of the things that make your brain itch. These are mine.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Who Are These People?

My latest widget is up on just over a half dozen sites that provide free download figures to developers (and users), and to my surprise in a week and a half, I have managed to garner over 1,000 confirmed downloads. Now, don't get me wrong, I love the idea that people are downloading my game. After all, in almost a decade I have failed completely to market the thing to any kind of game company or agent (OK, I probably could have tried a little harder, but at a great financial burden). Nonetheless, my latest version, which I uploaded a whopping 10 hours ago, accounts for almost 250 downloads already.

I want to know who these people are! Better still, I want to know what they think. So far the only comments I have gotten on any of the sites were a) a response to my plea for critique (thank you, exq) and b) flame from a troll (I am almost certain that his assault on my game has increased its popularity, though that may be nothing more than post hoc thinking).

My wife says I am obsessed, tracking download growth for the last 10 days, and perhaps I am, but I have my reasons. My obsession has been driven by my bewilderment over the relative popularity of the widget. My first widget, which I released in mid-November, is still clawing its way through the mid-900s in download count, but I still have no idea whether people are using/playing my widgets or just downloading and dumping. It really is enough to make a man insane.


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